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How To Foce Sleep

Posted: Mon Feb 26, 2024 2:59 pm
by andreaz69
i have asked my trainer how to force myself to sleep, in example, after I set an alarm after 6 hours, I wake up and I cannot get back to sleep, period.
I tried to set the alarm after 4 hours and a half of sleep, I had to get up to turn off my alarm , I have tried step sim but went to sleep, another night, I just could not sleep anymore.
My trainer told me to follow the military way to fall a sleep in 2 minutes : it takes training (6 weeks training) and you can learn this tech on a you tube video soundtrack that lasts 30 minutes.
Basically you visualise that you are on a bright day, on a boat floating on a lake, the water is calm, the water is calm, the sun is bright, everything is peacefull.... and you follow this meditation track for at least 6 weeks.
Now I do not believe this is what Michael had in mind.
In his pdf BOOK on how to make a weekend live seminar on page 124 he mentions FORCED FALLING ASLEEP but he doesn't describes how to do it.
So, i am puzzled.
Forcing myself to sleep would be very useful for taking a nap, to force myself back to sleep if I am too alert after the alarm awakes me...
So can anyone explain to me how to do it please ?