Request criticism... not 100% sure what's wrong...

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Request criticism... not 100% sure what's wrong...

Post by ilsam »


First I'd like to say thank you SO much to Micheal for this awesome book and video seminar! After a brief glance at the ebook for the first time without even reading about deepening or maintaining or any of that yet I freaking did it on my first try!! I could hardly believe it! I was all the way out, stumbled to the mirror, had the experience sharpen (deepen) automatically when I saw my reflection, then walked around for a short time (no detailed plan) until I was snapped back to my body (didn't know yet about re-entering). I was so excited I couldn't even sleep the rest of the night.

That was a couple days ago and I have not yet been able to repeat the experience, despite watching the seminar twice and reading more.

What I ask is for help identifying what my problem might be now. I think it's probably that my rational mind is too active trying to dominate the experience and not letting me go all the way (I'm very left-brained/rational/Ruach dominant). I can't seem to get past separation now. The closest I've gotten to the phase since is a single successful separation (I think) -- that is I was doing the rubbing hands technique, and could suddenly see, suddenly felt different, and had a sensation like I had passed through a gentle electric cloud, but I was stuck there. I couldn't seem to move or go to the mirror no matter what. It only lasted for moments, and once I felt I was back in my physical body, I was unable to re-enter.

I thought maybe I was too excited (after my first success) so I tried to tone that down a bit, but last night I noticed despite practically chanting a mantra to remember the phase on my way to sleep, I actually had a little trouble remembering to do the techniques immediately upon waking (I think I was probably awake for at least a few seconds each time and usually moved before I remembered to try). Could it be I'm simply waiting too long and missing the window?

My first attempt -- where I was successful -- seemed practically effortless, and had I known about deepening/maintaining at the time, and had a plan of action I think I would have lasted much longer. Now I can't seem to get there again.

Granted I've only been trying for 2 days -- after tonight I will take a break till next week as the instructions say -- but if anyone experienced can help spot an error I'm making I'd really appreciate it!

Any feedback would be greatly appreciated! This is awesome stuff! I will never be satisfied until I've mastered this now that I know it's possible!
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