Lucid Dream

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Lucid Dream

Post by Tiredtinker »

Another Lucid Dream

I took my dirty shirts to a Drycleaner, and then went about my business. The next thing I knew I was looking for the Drycleaner to get my shirts back, but couldn’t find the shop. And then I was trying to walk up an extremely steep sidewalk. Others were managing, but I couldn’t make it. Suddenly, I was at an embankment that went straight up for about 20 feet. Black earth was all that the embankment showed at this particular spot. A man was climbing it, but with difficulty. I didn’t think I could, but followed him anyway. All of a sudden I was filled with confidence, climbed the practically smooth black earth like a monkey, and reached the top without a problem! The next thing I knew we were in a small shack like building where three men looked at us angrily. I thought they were going to try to rob us. However, the tension eased, and the obvious leader of the three said, “I haven’t eaten in two days!” Then we left the building. I told my companion that I would buy the guy a loaf of bread, a pound of butter, and a package of bologna.
At this point the search for my Drycleaner continued. However, search as we would, it was not to be found.
And then I was in a car going up the same kind of a steep hill as mentioned in the beginning of the dream. There were two others with me. One of them was driving.
The car took the hill easily, and soon we were in another area looking for the shop.
The place was not to be found. I knew only that the address was number 18, but the name of the street eluded me.
I awoke at this point still feeling frustration.

Shirts……………. ………………………........layered negative coverings
Steep sidewalks……………………… .....challenges
Black earth……………………………….......negativities
Driven by one of two companions… help is within
Embankment………………………………....the power is within, use it!
Hungry man in bldg………………………..self needs positive feeding, but strong effort needed due to the number 2 (in car).two may make for strength, but may also make for weakness as it divides the Whole, or the One.
Unable to find Drycleaner………….....cleansing must be done by self
Number 18.………………………….......... 8+1 =9 Nine represents a completion. It signifies an imminent change in life. Nine represents a finish.

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