Digitalvygr Blog

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Digitalvygr Blog

Post by digitalvygr »

I will later update more of my past experiences, but for now I want to start cataloging my experiences as they happen so that I get in the habit of doing so. Which right now seems to be about once every 7 to 10 days... in the last 6 weeks I have had 3 projection/separation experiences and 3 lucid dreams.

Last night I had a lucid dream, and for the first time tried to grab something to stay in it when it started to fade. I also translocated through a door, so these are two new things that feel like progress! I had been working on trying to question my daily reality recently with the questions "Am I dreaming?" with the intent that during dreams I would also remember to do so, so I think this has helped me remain more lucid throughout and attempt to gain more control in this way.

I woke at about 6 am after sleeping late at about 2:30 and lay awake probably for an hour and a half, this just happens to me as a somewhat normal form of insomnia sometimes, so I usually just play around with a few separation techniques and try to meditate on outcomes for my daily life. I know I should just let myself go back to sleep but it seems like if I am usually just going to lie there anyway, I might as well explore consciousness anyway.

Anyway, in this particular dream, I was in a dark garage of some sort and there was a black spooky burlap looking tent thing in the center. I figured it was going to suck to go in there but I made a semi lucid determination that I need to confront my fears anyway, so I would go in and deal with it. When I got inside it was sort of folding down in on me and sure enough it was a bit of a bummer. But then as I got pushed down I saw some smallish glowing orange creature looking thing on the floor that looked like a cross between a jellyfish and hedgehog. This struck me as odd and I thought to myself "this is wacky, this must be a dream!" Boom, from there it was game on, I looked at my hands and peered and demanded "Awareness now" and they came into better view and I knew I wanted out of this crappy environment so I quickly looked for a door in the wall and it was there. This is the first time I translocated from a door, as I walked through it I wound up at some sort of a station where people were waiting for a bus or train or something.

I would like to think that I would have executed a better POA if not for wanting to get out of a crap environment to start, but regardless I did get kind of caught up in letting this environment dictate what I was doing, in that I just kept walking around looking for something interesting. People seemed to line up more than normal and look at me but I kept walking, eventually into a large building where I went up many stair wells. At some point I was in a labyrinth of marble that if I kept going I knew would turn into a sucky environment, so I walked back out into a hallway and sensed things were fading. It was as if the scenery was getting sucked backwards in a sort of blurry effect, and I felt the pull on my back. Interestingly I did not sense my body directly, but I had the suspicion that my wife was probably tossing and turning and thus making my body more wakeful. I ran to a wall and had a hard time even moving my hands at this point to try to grab a door knob. I seemed to succeed in grabbing it at the last minute, but it was not enough.

I awoke and 2 seconds later my wife was indeed tossing a bit. I tried to separate again but no luck. At this point despite my lack of POA execution, I was just happy to have tried a new technique consciously, so I just let myself glide back to normal sleep.

I would like to experience the phase more often, but for now I am trying to take a relaxed attitude and count myself lucky that I projected on my first attempt, and that I have at least some continued periodic success since then.
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Re: Digitalvygr Blog

Post by digitalvygr »

So maybe starting a blog was a good idea, I had my first ever back to back nights of Phasing as I managed a nice roll out separation last night!

Went to bed at 1 am, tried to do deep breathing but kept zoning out, then restarting till I just fell asleep.
Woke probably sometime after 5:30 or 6 and tried some techniques but got nothing, tried to sleep but didnt fall back asleep so figured I would try a deffered method so got out of bed around 6:35. Did illusory check when I got up, then felt good about my ability to get lucid in dreams more often.

Fell asleep quickly and woke maybe once and had decent CEVs but didnt project. Kind of gave up but then randomly woke up with very loud ear ringing, was actually more like an ear whine or even a siren, sort of a waaaahhhhwahhhhhhwahhhhhh vs. the usual constant high pitch that just increase in volume for me when I get to the vibrational state. This was powerful and I felt some vibrations and I knew this was enough to separate so I just started rolling out to my right. At some point I got past 90 degrees then just dropped to the floor and did a pushup that rocketed me to the ceiling where I started to see my bed but immediately did not want to focus on my body so I directed myself to the living room and started palpating my hands.

When I saw them they were well illuminated and so was the room. THis was the first time my apartment during a separation was sunny so I was excited. I went to the window and thought about trying to fly out, but I am on the 26th floor and have had this odd irrational thought that if I am ever sleep walking at the same time as I am OBEing that I dont want to try to fly or I might literally drop out.. There was a history of sleepwalking in my family so I had this idea that I would phase into the neighbors apartment first and then pop out their window. That way there would be no chance I was actually sleep walking because I would not be able to get into their place with my physical body.

I did try to look out at the other high rises nearby and what first struck me was how colorful they were. One had these very tropical thick leaves on it. I was getting distracted by this but then remembered one POA item that I had never done but which seemed logical now that there was light. I went to the bathroom mirror and looked at myself for the first time ever in the phase.

Well, this was cool and weird at the same time. First, I looked even more muscularly defined than I am in real life, a bit more tanned, and maybe even about 5 or 10 years younger. I thought this was pretty cool, but then as I kept looking I started morphing and I started looking Asian, and then my face turned silver like I had some sort of a face mask on made of silver reflective stuff. OK, enough of this I thought, whatever I look like, I want to see if I can get out of the building via the neighbors apartment and go fly around.

I tried to rush the wall and pass through but it was hard and I bounced off. I felt determined though so I just pressed my hand against it and felt my hand start to gently melt into it. Now I started slowly floating through it in a superman flying position and everything went dark for what felt like maybe 5 seconds. I had heard you can get stuck doing this but figured it would still be worth it.

This move must have translocated me into a much different version of an apartment than could exist in reality, because this place I wound up in had multiple levels. I did not see a window to get out, so I started taking the stairs up. I heard voices upstairs and the stairs kept constricting on me almost becoming a tunnel of stairs. At one point my head broke to a new level and there was woman laying naked on her side with her back to very close to my face. It seemed as though she had just come out of the shower as there were some beads of water on her back. I just kind of froze, she had an attractive figure and in dream mode I figured it didn't hurt to admire it for a bit and was debating saying something or just waiting to see if I would be noticed. Plus it didnt seem my body could really move much more in this stair passageway thing I was in now, I felt kind of stuck.

At that point I had a jump in perspective to where I was just looking at the woman's face very close to mine and looked in her eyes and wondered if she saw me then boom I was back in my body for no apparent reason I could tell. I tried to separate again but no luck, did a few technique cycles but nothing worked so I just decided to sleep and enjoy the fact that I had my first ever back to back nights of phase experiences. I peeked out of my eye mask and it was somewhat light in the room, which was a first for me, so I decided to see what time it was, the clock read 8:12 AM.

The whole Phase experience did not seem to last longer than 5 minutes, I probably needed to work on maintaining more as I went, I am going to re-read the book for maintaining techniques, and have a stronger intent to maintain as I go.

The most exciting thing about this experience for me was that I had my first phase during daylight hours, and things were indeed well lit in my phase vision so there was a correlations. Also, I couldnt help wonder about the woman seeming to have gotten out of the shower since it was around 8 am. I don't know who lives next door as I just moved here a month ago but that would be wild and slightly awkward if whoever lives there looks like who I saw lol.

The other two new exciting things were that this was my first back to back nights of Phasing, and that I saw myself in a mirror for the first time! Lots of progress made in the last 2 days, I was starting to think that I would only have phase experiences once every 10 days or so but this provided a nice exception for now :)
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Re: Digitalvygr Blog

Post by digitalvygr »

Wow, the other good news is that I just reread the part in SOBT where Michael says that once you have had 3 to 5 phase experiences you can move on to the rest of the book to flesh out our practice. I cant wait till I have some more time to continue reading it!
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Re: Digitalvygr Blog

Post by digitalvygr »

So I just starting reading the rest of the SOBT which had been off limits to me, and was interested to find out that one reason I may have gotten the phase on my first try was that I have mathematical inclination. I majored in electrical engineering in college and took 24 credit hours of math, with the lowest level of those classes starting with Calculus. I used to joke that I never got much use out of those courses, but if it indeed did help me enter the phase, then perhaps the ultimate use has only been realized now :)

Secondarily, while I do not consider myself an athlete, the book states athletes would have greater chance of success. However, I have lifted weights for nearly two decades now and have learned what it takes to push my body in this hobby so perhaps that also helped.
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Re: Digitalvygr Blog

Post by digitalvygr »

Here is a phase report from Dec 2nd:

Tried out sleep paralysis forcing, went to bed at 1 am. I was not intending to try to phase, I was just trying to experiment to see if by relaxing my jaw and having my mouth slightly open and trying not to move my body at all if I could force waking sleep paralysis.

Seemed like what happened was I just half slept after about an hour, and managed to feel sleep paralysis and then surprisingly some vibrations, and I managed to sit up and separate. I thought I felt my wife move next to me and then get scared because of my breathing heavily. I telepathically tried to tell her not to worry, but was instantly jettisoned forcefully and at great speed to somewhere that later seemed like it must be another planet with humans on it. So this could have been a lucid dream about having a projection, but it was so damn real in any case.

I wound up in some kind of apartment room it seemed. Tried “Awareness Now!” affirmation and saw my hands really well, was the first time I had seen them in full sunlight in the phase, which excited me. Walked around that house and saw a guy walk by but he was translucent and did not notice me. Walked outside, was sunny and nice. I thought “seems like I may have projected to a childhood memory?” but couldn't exactly place it. There were leaves on the ground, trees, I talked to some people and they seemed to direct me to a building. I went in and followed a woman, I thought she might be a healer for some reason.

Wound up talking to her, she was at some point telling me wacky stuff like she needed to give me some piercings. I knew I would not go for that but I humored her and asked how much. She said something in a currency I did not understand. This led to me telling her I couldn't pay, and wow, she got REALLY pissed off and was cursing me out. I found myself exerting power over her and basically just shut her up and she was fuming silently. I decided to leave but thought she might complain to people so was somewhat worried (ironically since I had just demonstrated power in this world).

Then I saw these amazing mobius strip energy vortex looking things. One went into the ground and was made of some sort of blue energy, then there was another silvery one that was hovering above the water in a bay (it looked somewhat like a parking structure made out of sliver energy, one of those spiral car ramps but with mobius qualities too, just clearly nothing you would ever see on earth). I wanted to fly away from my situation with the wacky woman so it seemed perfect to fly over these. I did start flying but wound getting tugged at, maybe I thought of my body and it made me feel a tug, or I felt a tug and it made me think of my body, not sure. In any case I screamed “awareness now!”, but didnt help, I still got sucked back to my body.

Woke up with these really amazing CEVs of organic gears, kind of like gears that behaved like they were somehow alive/organic and moved with a peaceful, purposeful intent. Like they would break off a piece and then merge it with other gears which would gladly accept and utilize the free part. Some of the coolest CEVs I have had in awhile. These were so cool that I just let them play out their pattern and fell asleep contented with both a cool phase and cool CEV experience.
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Re: Digitalvygr Blog

Post by digitalvygr »

Kind of wondering this out loud but it seems like some things in dreams should always trigger lucidity, or at least more often.

Like last night, I had a dream in which I was able to go up and down a multi story structure by pulling myself up bars attached to it, often with one arm, and sort of jumping all over it with this motion. It felt really great to be so strong, very akin to that rush from flying in dreams. And so out of the ordinary that I SHOULD have realized it was a dream. Recently, dreams of flying have clued me in to the fact I was in the phase, but this one did not.

Maybe I should go back into a meditative state and relive such dreams, then imagine myself realizing "Hey this is crazy, I cant do this in real life, I must be dreaming!" and then taking over the dream for awhile... perhaps that will condition me to recognize these situations more often. At least the weird creature from a few nights ago did make me realize, but I hope to become more lucid more often in my dreams going forward.
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Re: Digitalvygr Blog

Post by digitalvygr »

Just came across the following text in SOBT:

"Another option is the use of translocation techniques to
arrive at a desired place within the phase world. It is also
dangerous to employ this variation without first deepening;
translocating in a shallow phase makes a return to the
wakeful state very likely. Translocation is often accompanied
by a substantial decrease in the depth of the phase state."

What I realize now was that in my lucid dream at the very start of my blog, I did some small amount of deeping with saying "Awareness now!" and that it brought my hands into view, but that I probably needed to palpate and do other deepening techniques. Of course in my haste to get out of that crappy environment I just went to translocate, but I should have deepened upon translocating at the very least. So now my new approach going forward will be to deepen before translocations, and to deepen again after arrival.
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Re: Digitalvygr Blog

Post by digitalvygr »

Late night reading of SOBT - realize now that when I went through the door in the garage, I wasted the opportunity to try to translocate to somewhere I desired. On the other hand, looking back if feels sort of like I created a door in the middle of that dark environment, which if I can get that skill down would be very useful... anyway, going to try to translocate through a door to somewhere I desire next time.
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Re: Digitalvygr Blog

Post by Summerlander »

Definitely deepen first before translocation. Don't panic and think about rushing. It surely helps to keep on the move but it is more like a flow. Get into that rhythm without fearing a foul. Another thing that you probably found by revising The Phase guidebook: Don't deepen for the sake of appearances or lackadaisically. When you deepen, absorb the sensations and try to enjoy it. See it as something fun. When the phase is deep, you can move away from whatever uninteresting environment you're in. Then the fun of carrying out your plan of action at desired locations can begin.

Happy phase day! ;)
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Re: Digitalvygr Blog

Post by digitalvygr »

Thanks for the words of advice Summerlander! I think at this point I had had so few experiences that indeed I was just hoping to get to the action, but it makes total sense now in retrospect to try to have deeper, longer experiences vs. shorter shallow ones!

Had hoped to pull a phase on phase day but seems I am back to the drawing board for a bit here, I seem to move a lot upon wakening which was not happening before, so it has been harder to naturally wake and hit the phase as I had been. But I keep reminding myself I am in no hurry, it is all a learning experience.
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Re: Digitalvygr Blog

Post by digitalvygr »

[Closed Eye Visuals]

I found a gif animation that looks a lot like what I often see when I close my eyes after staying up late at night, or other random times when I go to bed or wake up in the middle of the night! ... wD.jpg.gif

Except in my case they would be morphing in and out of form MUCH faster than in this example. And often they might be organic, like paisley patterns, or gears that are like a plant, or ferns, etc.

Anyone else ever see this?
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Re: Digitalvygr Blog

Post by digitalvygr »

[Dream Sign Website]

I found this website that helps you interpret dream signs. I used to not believe in this stuff, and even now I might be dubious about these interpretations, but I think that if nothing else it will help me become more engaged with teh process of dream recall, so I plan to go back through my dream log and see what recurring elements there are and see how these might be interpreted.
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Re: Digitalvygr Blog

Post by digitalvygr »

[Dec 23, 2013: CEV Organic Patterns]

Went to bed at 2:30, was not very tired. Did sleep paralysis work for awhile, got one pre vibration mode thing going and I felt what I guess would be best described as my root chakra tingling like crazy and starting to shoot some energy up my body, kind of like kundalini rising but obviously not the full experience. I started to have closed eye visuals of something that looked like a yin-yang symbol in the center, almost mandala like in the rest of my vision, but they quickly faded. Still, I felt I was on to something as a bit of seeming success.

Later, I was lying there thinking that at 5:30 it was crazy I had just been lying there that long mostly in one position. I was getting better at ignoring my neck or swallow reflex, and looked at it all as my form of meditation since I really don’t meditate during the day.

But also had this though like “Wow, maybe when I have insomnia sometimes I get into the phase but don’t separate or see anything cool, so its just me lying there in phase in an asleep body…” Right as I thought this I had a surge of inspiration that maybe I could use this in the future to get the phase more easily. And immediately I got closed eye visuals of what looked like fern plants morphing into each other kind of like the organic gears I saw in my more recent CEVs. This lasted maybe 30 seconds. I tired to see past them and let them become more real and they did. Then I tried to will myself to be in among them but nothing happened.

At this point as they faded, I actually realized I did have one dream already so I had NOT been totally awake the whole time. The dream was that I went with my wife to a church but we were late. Now here was a chance for me to maybe wake up, as I went to church as a kid but no longer consider myself a Catholic, but rather eclectically-somewhat-spiritual lol. Anyway, it was an awkward situation, because we both “knew” that this is the part in the mass where Jesus comes out (another opportunity to wake up since of course that never happens in real life). And to make matters worse, we saw him in his glowing form start somewhat floating through the audience but we didn't have anywhere to sit, so I folded my hands solemnly in front of me as I stood there in the open and tried to look pious. Jesus actually looked rather robotic in my dream, it was odd, it was as if he was on one of those robot vacuum things sort of zig zagging through the crowd. Finally I got to sneak over and sit down while he was shining what looked like an LED white flashlight in the eyes of everyone one by one. He came over and shined it at me and I felt a mild change, and was feeling glad and grateful to have had the experience of his blessing, even if it came in a very modern seeming form.

That is all I remember about that dream, but I do realize dreams about a white light are starting to be a theme, I had one about 2 weeks ago that involved flying on a blimp, it was quite phase like but I didnt have consciousness so close but no banana as they say…

PROGRESS: More experience with trying to force sleep paralysis. Two interesting closed eye visuals so basically some moderate phase experience even if no separation. One energy experience. Realizing a possible theme in recent dreams.

QUESTIONS: How can I make better use of these hypnogic/hypnopompic morphing organic closed eye visuals that I get fairly often? Are they really phase, or just borderline phase?
Last edited by digitalvygr on Tue Dec 31, 2013 12:35 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Digitalvygr Blog

Post by digitalvygr »

[12/24 False Awakening, Brief Lucid dream, + Back-To-Body Separation Briefly]

If the CEVs from the night before count as the Phase, then I got my second back to back phase experience, and luckily this time with separation too.

Went to bed at 1 am, had a dream about flying up through a roof in an elevator and being scared that it would fall off the edge of the building and smash 40 stories below. This type of dream has been a recurring dream for me over the years. I have to remember to question this as it has never happened in real life and so would have been a perfect way to attain phase.

Woke leisurely at 9 and went back to bed at 9:30 since it was Christmas day and I figured would be nice to get a phase. I had a false awakening where I talked to my wife and then went out driving somewhere. The odd thing was that it was dark when I went driving, but soon became daylight. As I drove I realized I was on the right side and was having trouble driving because of it. Another chance to question the dream, but I looked over and saw a steering wheel on the left too and “reasoned” that I was in one of those co pilot cars. Ah, dreams are so insidious at trying to convince us they are real :-)

I wound up getting stuck on a road, getting out of my car and going into a building and then somehow realizing I *might* be dreaming. So I started to try to talk to people in the library. I talked to a woman sitting at a table trying to ask her a question, but she seemed to be concentrating and ignored me. I thought since it was a library this was reasonable, so I decided to ask someone walking by which library I was in, as they would not be concentrating on reading.

A group of 4 women and 2 men came toward me and I asked one of the men “excuse me, strange question, but which library are we in?” He said “This is Mullen” (I just googled this for the heck of it and there is a Mullen library in Washington DC). As he said that I looked up at a sign that said I was at the local university, and I felt a bit silly. I asked him if there was a science and engineering library on campus, couldn’t really make out his answer well but thanked him then excused myself and went on my way. I glanced back at him and his friend was making gestures of dismay about what a strange encounter that was.

I looked over a balcony and was looking down at people milling around but they were slowing down and getting fuzzy, much the way scenery starts to do when a phase ends so I had the realization that for sure I probably really was dreaming! I decided to deepen but did it incorrectly for some reason, I was concentrating on how real some of the people below looked, when I should have been peering at my hands and closer objects. I think given the fact things had gotten blurry I was already about to return to my body, so of course this did not work and before I could think to deepen correctly I was back in my body. I also think that by contrast to my dream where I had been in a dark scary garage when last I became lucid, the fact that everything was already very real did not make me understand fully the need to deepen, things already felt very real. I am going to go back and read up on this...

So as I woke I was on my left side and just started the roll out process to my right. I got nice vibrations going and briefly just wanted to stay with them and enjoy them since I had not really had them on my last separation. However, I knew the point was separation, not vibration, so I continued and rolled out with some difficulty, then immediately floated to the ceiling. This time though I really didnt go anywhere before I was quickly back in my body. I tried to get out but did not have much success. I felt much more awake at this point and thought I don’t want to spend too much of Christmas morning on this, and I knew that I had a new phase experience so decided to be satisfied with it and just got up to write this.

PROGRESS: Got somewhat of a Phase re-entry even if it did not last too long, at least I am remembering to try.
Last edited by digitalvygr on Tue Dec 31, 2013 12:35 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Digitalvygr Blog

Post by digitalvygr »

[11/27 CEVs and Vibrations]

Had various CEVs, nothing geometric this time. However, did start to see a scene of a couch with a lamp and some repetitive movement. Then later a full on, in color lucid scene of a woman in a red shirt doing something, maybe in a kitchen. Tried to pull myself into that image but didnt manage it.
Woke and got some minor vibrations going but didnt manage to separate and they died down.

PROGRESS: This is the first time recently where I remember actually seeing scenery in my closed eye visuals, as opposed to the kind of geometric patterns I always seem to see.

ISSUES: Still do not seem to be able to get a separation going off of these visuals
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Re: Digitalvygr Blog

Post by digitalvygr »

[11/28 More CEVs, no separation]

Saw more CEVs with what looked like a lamp and a chair and something moving repeatedly there... interesting that the day before I kept seeing some repetitive motion too, almost like part of the scene was stuck on loop mode...
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Re: Digitalvygr Blog

Post by digitalvygr »

11/29 Mandala CEVs

Saw more mandala like CEV patterns but was again unable to separate... these visuals looked like a beautiful mandala (perhaps because I had seen some pictures of a mandala on the net earlier in the day)...

PROGRESS: Well, if closed eye visuals count as phase, this is my first 3 nights in a row of phase.

ISSUES: However, I would of course trade 3 in a row for one night of actual OBE... going to review SOBT and see if I can start capitalizing on these.
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Re: Digitalvygr Blog

Post by digitalvygr »

[12/31 Longest OBE Yet]

Last night I went to bed at 2 am and had some very vivid dreams.

On my first awakening, I tried some techniques and got pretty much nothing, likely as a result of the violent movement from a hypnic jerk. Now, before I alarm any purists, I should mention here that this night I decided to experiment with the Remee sleep mask, and about this time it finally went off. It is a $95 mask with red LEDs that is meant to help you recognize you are in a lucid dream if you see red lights. I am fully aware that it is merely a crutch and I do NOT intend to rely on it, in fact I view it as being likely inferior to the abilities I have already developed. However, now that I can phase without it, I felt some occasional experimentation would be interesting. Also, the purchase itself I view as an affirmation of my intent to progress further in my abilities and learn more.

The Remee mask is thus hit and miss because it relies on a timer to guess when you might be in REM, it could well just wake you up while not in REM, it is not one of the higher priced masks that can detect REM through IR diodes. But, the good thing is it can then act like an alarm for the deffered method so it seems worth using maybe once a week or so. Anyway, the unexpected jolt of red light massively charged my whole body somehow. It felt like I was seeing the pink/red electrical storm that used to accompany my first phase experiences (I miss those). I was surprised and tried briefly to separate, but the effect did not last and continue the way organic vibrations do.

I checked the time and it was about 7 am. I got up for a brief while, then tried to sleep again at 7:30, this time without the Remee mask. I tried to increase my intent to have an OBE but felt very unmotivated. So I just told my subconscious that despite my seeming lack of motivation, I wanted it to take over and find that motivation, which is sort of an ironic thing but it seems to have worked.

At some point, I had a dream that I was laying on a couch and there was someone across from me smoking some sort of drug in order to try to induce OBE. I decided to sleep (in the dream) and try to OBE myself. I closed my eyes and felt mild dream vibrations in my forehead and decided to try to separate. My hands and arms came out but everything else was stuck. I remember thinking this was going to be tough, but I was going to give it all I had. I recalled that you are not supposed to deepen before full separation, but I decided to deepen just slightly by rubbing my hands as I felt like I was going to lose the phase. This seemed to work, and my torso came out but my legs were still really stuck. I saw that I was angled down to the ground and near the leg of a table near the couch, so I used my hands to grab that leg and further pull myself out. I also remember feeling like I was worried that I was moving my physical body but I had faith it was not and that helped as well.

I managed to pop out but I was in my bedroom, no longer in the prior dream space. I ran quickly to the living room as I palpated and peered at my hands. Vision was cloudy on the outskirts so I grabbed my eyelids and opened them. Vision came super crisp and hyper real. My living room was filled with these beautiful blue velvet pillows with ornate designs everywhere. I would not normally like such decoration in my living room, but it was incredibly colorful and beautiful, and I felt as if this was one of the most vivid phase experiences yet. I was very excited as I ran to the window and looked out to see that the high rise buildings outside were also amazing me with their clarity and color.

I contemplated trying to get to the neighbors place in order to “safely” fly from there, but somehow I instead tentatively put my arm through the window, and it worked, so feeling somewhat brave I walked out onto a balcony and decided to just go for it. I started flying and came in contact quickly with the building across from me. I debated going inside for a bit but the windows were mirrored unlike in real life so I couldnt see inside, and I figured I would translocate to somewhere else and wanted to keep flying. I did a sort of spiderman walk on the outside of the building for awhile which was fun.

I then flew for a bit but got distracted by people on the ground milling about and found myself instantly walking below on the streets with them. At this point I started to deepen again by rubbing my hands together. I had accomplished part of my POA in flying out of my building for the first time ever, yet somehow was getting sucked into this walking so forgot to do more, but at least I continued deepening. I kept looking for someone interesting to talk to. I talked to a woman who passed me by, but she was not interesting so I kept looking for someone who would seem intelligent or tell me something interesting.

I got to a cafe and there was a woman sitting in the corner really checking me out unabashedly. I thought, so funny that this happens in OBE land, in real life women are seldom so brazen. But I felt that this cafe was too dense with people and that it was going to distract me too much and maybe make me lose phase so I left. I was trying to remember the rest of my POA as I walked down a long hall. I maintained for quite awhile but at some point it was getting really hard. At that point I remembered one part of the POA, which was to ask to “Experience my higher self” which is something William Buhlman talks about doing. So I did that right as I was really fading out of the OBE, and I knew it was likely too late. I rubbed my hands as fast as I could, and the effect as I peered at them was like how characters in the Matrix move so fast that their hands blur. Try as I might, I found myself back in my body.

I spent some time integrating the experience, then went back to sleep after trying unsuccessfully to return to the phase. I awoke again and tried to see images. This time my CEV was like a whirling vortex of small points of light, kind of like the “Sandman’s dream sand”. It was small but I felt like it was significant. I did not manage to separate and was content to just get up having had a full OBE already.

PROGRESS: Flying directly out of my apartment, most dynamic visual senses yet, effective maintenance for my longest phase experience yet.

ISSUES: Forgot to fully implement my POA for a large part of the OBE, got caught up in the dream scenery until the very end.
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Re: Digitalvygr Blog

Post by digitalvygr »

[Hypnic Jerks]

I reflected a bit more on the hypnic jerks I have had recently. Last night I woke from a really strong hypnic jerk leg jerk and was very sure in the moment that it was a symptom of coming back from a phase separation that I did not remember starting. I have had these hypnic jerks often this year, but usually just thought of them as somehow related to muscle soreness/tiredness etc. from lifting weights. But I recall reading in Astral Dynamics and maybe even somewhere in SOBT(?) that it actually can happen when the Phase body returns to the physical body.

I was recalling just how dynamic and vivid these dreams were before I woke, they seemed like an OBE just without the lucid component. On the plus side, I realize that if these hypnic jerks are indeed the result of returning from an unconscious OBE, then I am projecting a LOT more often than I realized.

ISSUES: On the negative side I am not remembering these OBEs, and the jerking process often causes me to move so I can’t maintain the same position in order to easily separate upon awakening which is probably lowering my success rate in achieving lucid phase states. Also, these hypnic jerks have increased in the last month or so, which makes sense given I had my first projection almost 2 months ago now and would likely be having more spontaneous OBEs than prior.

QUESTION: Do you agree with the idea that hypnic jerks are due to return from a non lucid OBE? If so, how do we minimize the movement afterwards, so that we can still get a conscious OBE as a result? I recall somewhere reading about simply doing affirmations and setting the intent to not move upon awakening, I guess I should do that in the meantime...
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Re: Digitalvygr Blog

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[Stereograms as an analogy for deeping the Phase]

It has been a long time since I looked at a stereogram, those 2D pictures that become 3D when you defocus your eyes correctly. Today I saw a web post devoted to the subject and as I looked at the various stereograms, I felt a sense of deja vu when the first one came into focus. What had previously been a 2D flat unintelligible picture was suddenly infused with detail and information that my mind could use. The process seemed to make the colors crisper. It was akin to when we get hyper reality in the phase. It probably helped that I had one of the more realistic Phase experiences I have had in awhile only about 10 hours ago so it is fresh in my mind.

Well, maybe it is just me, but here is the article and I invite you to take a quick look and see if you feel the similarity in any way. ... -your-eyes
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Re: Digitalvygr Blog

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[1/1 2014 Back to Back OBEs, Telekinesis, Higher Self (kinda)]

Went to bed late again around 2 am, and tossed and turned till probably 2:30 before sleeping.

Decided to use the Remee sleep mask again as an alarm for doing the deferred method. This time I got no vibration enhancement from it because it woke me up first, probably around 630 or 7. I tried to separate and tried some techniques but got nothing, so tried forced falling asleep and probably just fell back to sleep.

I entered a dream where I was in an airport, running up many levels of stairs and escalators, dodging people on the way. I was late and needed to get to my gate on time. My body was responding like a well oiled machine, my legs were strong and I was able to jump up many stairs in a single bound without getting winded. I made it to the final level and as I entered a conference room, I felt as if something was pulling me back and I had to tread forward into the room like someone leaning into hurricane force winds. Sitting down at a nearby table I began to occupy myself with writing down equations that had to do with describing Phase entry. At some point I was interrupted when a tall man came up to me and asked me about some of my vital signs, asking me if the number 38 referred to my pulse or my glucose level. Amazingly in my dream I reasoned that a pulse of 38 would be too low so I replied that it must be my glucose level if anything.

"I believe that you have to measure your glucose level here", he replied. He then proceeded to touch an area near my hip and I felt a strong, energetic pulsing sensation begin. I had intended to share my equations with him for entering the phase, but as I was writing them they no longer looked very easy to explain and I was now feeling vibrations, so I decided to attempt to separate despite the fact that I assumed it would be short lived as this guy was touching my hip and would be expecting some conversation to continue. I imagined his surprise seeing me likely fall into a narcoleptic stupor mid sentence before his very eyes.

Separation occurred and I knew I was in my real bedroom at home, but unlike the night before I had absolutely no vision to play with. Intense palpation of my hands gave way to faint shades of light before my eyes and I knelt down to feel the carpet beneath me. It was at this point that I remembered I was wearing an eye mask, so I quickly ripped that off and vision improved further but it still felt like viewing the world through a transparent grey curtain. I ran to my door and this time I had to open it whereas usually I just glide out. I continued palpating my hands and might have possibly called out "Awareness now!" but it was still not full vision like I had in my OBE from the night before. I found myself pulling off what felt like yet another eye mask which improved my vision yet a shade more and proceeded to run to the refrigerator for some reason and opened it with wild abandon.

An absolutely amazing technicolor maelstrom of foods exploded into view and I knew I had full vision! I fumbled around inside looking for something to eat but managed to spill a crimson swatch of ketchup all over my OBE hands. I debated licking it off, but decided I did NOT want my first taste of food in the Phase to be ketchup! I also realized that eating, while still on my overall to do list, was not included on my plan of action so I resolved to go clean off my hands and get on with the far more important agenda I had planned 8)

However the best laid plans of mice and men in OBEs often go awry, and even my short term plan to remove ketchup from my hands was soon abandoned much less did I recall what my other plans were. The shiny facades of the adjacent high rises caught my eyes and I ran to the window to ogle them for no good reason other than the fact that they looked so compelling to my newly awakened Phase vision! I tested putting my hand through the wall to see if I could again fly outside but I had a hard time getting my hand through the wall which was frustrating. The pause in action made me stop to ponder again what items were in my Plan Of Action, and then I remembered "oh yeah, I wanted to try Telekenisis!"

I looked around and saw a random sock on the floor. Outstretching my OBE hand I willed the sock to come to my hand and Viola! it obediently obeyed my command. Score one for my POA, first ever Telekinesis in the books!

Now there was a round wooden table conveniently manifested before me with objects on it to further hone my skills. White ping pong balls conveniently lying on the table were suctioned up to my hand one by one until I felt sated with exercising my newly found power.

Placing my hand against the nearest wall, I again tried to morph into it but was distracted by music that sounded like AC/DC playing in my bedroom. Rounding the corner I saw an old red LED style alarm clock lying on my bed where I would normally sleep which was occurred to me as strange but now in retrospect no less strange than being able to do telekinesis! I was tempted to go turn it off but thought that it did not matter and that it would be a waste of my time in the phase. I had something else important to do, what was it....

I returned to the living room and had a vague recollection of my plan, at which point I found myself asking in a somewhat lackadaisical manner "I ask to be released of all my fears and blocks". I could tell that there was something about my will and intent in this phase by comparison to the last phase that just did not have as much power behind it. The night before I had clear vision from the beginning and a feeling of wanting to conquer and experience all I could, but tonight I felt much more subdued.

Not surprisingly, nothing really happened. "I demand to experience my Higher Self!" I implored only somewhat more convincingly. Suddenly all the surroundings started to fade and my body became somewhat catatonic and I fell backward like a plank at a 45 degree diagonal to the ground. My body now started to spin with my feet staying in one place on the ground to form the tip of a downward facing cone that I traced out with the rest of my body and my head tracing out the widest part of the circle at the base of the imaginary cone. The cone started to fill with light and there was a sensation that my body was starting to fade away. Had my intention been stronger it might have led to more, but I still felt fairly normal and just returned to RTZ (real time zone) surroundings. I remember almost joking "maybe I don't have a higher self!" but really I was just satisfied that I had remembered to attempt this and I figured that was good enough for today, that expecting instant enlightenment in one fell swoop on my first attempt might be a bit much ::)

I decided to go back out on my balcony and try to fly again. Looking down to the 26 floor drop below me and recalling how solid the walls had been in this phase I thought better of it. Yes, I chickened out! I walked a bit further on my balcony which in this Phase conveniently extended to the neighbors window and I could hear them talking inside. I looked through a screen covered window (screens also don't exist in reality on our building) and found my head covered by some vertical blinds. The dream character neighbor looked at me curiously and immediately I found myself back in my body.

A few attempts to separate again led nowhere and I instead opted to record my experiences as they were not readily available in one contiguous memory like they had been for the OBE from the night before.

PROGRESS: First ever back to back OBE nights, yay! First ever telekinesis! And a hint of what my higher self might be, apparently a swirling cone of light maybe?

ISSUES: Not as much confidence and gusto as the prior night. I plan to note in the future whether there is a correspondence to how fast I get full vision vs how active and confident I am in the Phase...
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Re: Digitalvygr Blog

Post by digitalvygr »

[Took a Supplement in the Phase]

Forgot this part, in the OBE above, after practicing telekinesis, I noticed a bottle of pine pollen tincture on the table. This is something that I take in real life, it helps naturally enhance your testosterone levels. I had as a future POA item to do something to help me lift weights, and it seems my subconscious was on the job presenting me with this, so I used some right there in the phase.

I guess I may find out tomorrow if it helped when I go to the gym (assuming I can get to use any machines, dreading the 'January Effect", ugh...)

So if I could still edit the above post I would add that to the Progress part, it is not medicine but as far as I know I have no sickness I need to take medicine for so this will have to do as a substitute.
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Re: Digitalvygr Blog

Post by digitalvygr »

[Kundalini Rising and Astral projection]

I have heard a lot about Kundalini rising and have always been curious as to what it really is like. Looking back on how crazy an energetic experience my first phase separation was and reading the descriptions of Kundalini rising it made me curious if they were similar. So I googled and found this article, which makes it sound like the first phase experience might actually be essentially just that. In fact they talk a lot about how Kundalini rising results in the consciousness leaving the body.
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Re: Digitalvygr Blog

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So today I got some Galantamine in the mail. Sometime within the next week, depending upon how I feel, I may try using it. I do not intend to use it often, but rather again as an experiment similar to the Remee mask. I would not be doing this if I did not have phase experience under my belt. The apparent benefit may be that any phase experience that I would have should be much longer and even more vivid. I noticed that nobody here really has elaborated on the subject, there are those like Jeff who have apparently tried it but nobody goes into details. Good or bad, I plan to give it a try and report back.
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Re: Digitalvygr Blog

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[Galantamine half dose report]

So I tried a 4 mg Galantamine pill of "Galantamind" after sleeping from about 12:30 to 4:15. I reset the thermostat because I felt a bit cold, then went back to bed.

I remember thinking that I had been lying in bed without falling asleep when I remembered having a dream about setting the thermostat. In the dream I had problems setting the thermostat because the display was basically illegible. Right there was a chance to recognize I was in a dream.

Later I had a vivid dream about floating/flying where a woman was guiding me along various small paths by pulling a thread that I was attached to. Again, yet another dream cue, I should have noted that I was in a dream.

It was only a half dose, but my sense so far is much like what I expected. It like the Remee is not a magic pill. I already have some experience in recognizing I am in a dream, but this pill did not make it any easier to recognize that fact. That still needs to be trained over time. As there were two dream signs, it may be the case that the Galantamine helped me have more dream signs, but that could also be coincidence. I will need more tries.

The dose curve for Galantamine shows that it does not totally leave your system for 48 hours, even though it is quite low after 24 hours (10%) so technically could be taken multiple nights in a row. However, I will wait at least a day or more, and depending on other factors my next try will be with a full 8 mg. Following that I plan to try half a dose again, but in combination with GPC Choline.

The conclusion so far is that it might create longer REM and thus more dreams and more chances for dream signs that one might recognize if properly trained to do so. So it would help with DILD (Dream Induced Lucid Dreaming) but not necessarily OBE. MY feeling so far is that it is not a magic pill, as Michael makes clear if such a pill existed all of society would be simply taking such pills without the other effort needed that stops most people from trying, and everyone would be having Lucid Dreams all the time.

I should also mention that along these lines I read the Amazon reviews of people trying to take the pill that did not seem to have any formal training in Lucid Dreaming, and they were disappointed. There is no substitute for learning the mindset and techniques and putting in the actual effort to do the deferred method. At most these substances and masks and such might be an enhancement to Phase experience, but only when one already knows how to have said Phase experience in the first place! Phase ability must come before trying to use any of these things in my opinion.
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Re: Digitalvygr Blog

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[Gamma Brain Waves and the Phase]

Was thinking a bit about the info from SOBT and Summerlander's recent article regarding 40 Hz brainwave cycles being present during Phase activity.

It seems that our brains operate much more efficiently at Gamma, and can integrate all of our experiences together faster. Also, in Gamma our senses are sharpened and enhanced, which explains why Phase experiences can feel hyper realistic.

Here is an article from September 2013 talking about how a Tibetan Monk from France can produce the highest Gamma brain waves ever measured. ... hist-monk/

And another article that simply gives some good background information about Gamma waves.
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Re: Digitalvygr Blog

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[More On Gamma Brain Waves]

The following paper states that Tibetan monks were measured to have Gamma waves all the way up into the 80 to 120 Hz range.

I did read another paper where they mentioned that some researchers are skeptic about accepting readings above 80 Hz as that may actually bring into play some uncertainties, for example that the skull can act as a low pass filter up to about that range, but above that it cannot and thus the higher frequencies might be read from EMG vs EEG activity. That is to say, reading muscle signals vs brain signals. However, these studies are often done vs. normal people as controls, so if it were mere muscle activity it should be registered across the controls as well.

Whether we are talking 80 Hz or 120 Hz, assuming that what we have felt in the Phase in terms of crispness and elation at potentially 40 Hz sounds like it still might have room for improvement with mastery of meditation methods...

OTOH I do not know if there was some kind of bell curve effect where peak power was around 40 Hz in the Phase measurements but that 80 Hz was present as well towards the outer edges of that curve...
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Re: Digitalvygr Blog

Post by digitalvygr »

[3 OBEs in one morning, Translocations, Galantamine Full Dose Report - 1/5/2014]
***Note - for anyone reading who has not yet attained the phase on their own, it is not suggested you try supplementation as this can create a crutch and may not work anyway.

So 2 days ago I tried a half dose of Galantamine and had really no results. Today however I took a full dose, and had the largest number of phase experiences I have had to date in one morning, 3 full separation experiences. One data point is not conclusive, but it does seem as if the galantamine had something to do with it this time. However, the phase experiences were not longer or better as I was expecting, so my present thought is maybe it just makes phase entry more likely (but not necessarily easier as I felt I had to struggle to get out of my body in these ones). I elected to try it because I wanted to experience the phase but my intention was lacking. My next experiment will be an even more effective combination apparently, I plan to take a full dose of Galantamine in combination with GPC Choline (aka Alpha GPC). Again I will wait at least 48 hours before attempting this combination.

I awoke to strong vibrations and managed my first phase of the morning with a roll out to my right, but I seemed to get stuck, just kind of enjoying the vibration mid roll. Then my vision became all orange, and it felt like various hands were pulling me in various directions. I finally popped out into a random hallway that looked like the underground of a subway station. I palpated the walls and got some sensation and vision, then I saw a subway attendant dressed in a light blue shirt. I asked him what his name was but he just shrugged and kept walking.

Remembering my POA I immediately found a door to try to translocate through. It was open at first so I closed it. I also closed my eyes and imagined trying to join my wife who was travelling overseas at the time. I did not have a clear idea of what her surrounding at her hotel might look like, and this might have contributed to my failure. When I opened the door and tried to open my eyes everything was still black. I had heard this can happen, but in SOBT one account I had read just before going to bed said that Michael Raduga closes his eyes to teleport, so I tried it. Unfortunately in my case on this first attempt, I fouled and could not re-enter so went back to sleep.

I found myself dreaming that I was talking to a friend about his fitness boot-camps. He was disappointed that I had not finished his boot-camp and I found myself apologizing (this is not true in real life, he lives in another country and I never started his boot-camp). At this point I felt myself receding from him and I felt myself back in bed vibrating in the phase. Again it was a bit difficult to get out, but when I finally did roll out right to the opposite direction I had earlier, I found myself in what was clearly some kind of bus station, perhaps the upper level of where I was the time before. At that moment an amazing scene unfolded, it was total pandemonium. A passenger bus came careening through the hall, having smashed through glass and concrete right in front of me. It felt like some kind of scene from Jumanji, people in the hall were yelling and screaming and running about but I was totally unaffected. I just ran to a wall to palpate long enough to get my vision up to par, then ran to a nearby door to try my revised Plan Of Action.

I thought maybe I should try translocating to a closer location than overseas, so I imagined going to my local gym. I opened the door and sure enough, I was in a changing room, conveniently enough it was the women’s locker room and there were some attractive women changing. I stopped long enough to enjoy the scenery which managed to understandably catch my attention for longer than the bus had! I actually decided as is recommended in the videos to palpate one of the dream characters in order to maintain, but she was fully clothed and it was oddly (given the circumstances) non-sexual. She did not complain, like many of my dream characters recently she was oddly silent.

I remembered that my real plan was to lift weights in the Phase to determine what result that would have on my real world results. Unfortunately as I went to leave and go down the stairs, things got dark despite my maintaining and I was back in my body. This time I managed to separate again but it seemed I could not get out for the longest time. I found myself again being pulled and tugged at, it seemed like perhaps this was going to put me into a “bad” experience, where maybe some kind of evil characters would take me to a bad place, perhaps even demons or whatever. I thought I saw something like 3 pronged claws in front of me and felt like maybe that was what was grabbing me. This would have been a horrible experience if I had been a young boy.

I simply went with it though, I actually was thinking “its game on!” for whatever was coming. I did not really feel I needed to, but just in case I did some white light visualizations around myself for protection. But it seemed that whatever was pulling me was content just to have me suffer the claustrophobic feeling of being stuck in this cobweb space and not face me directly in full phase. It was very hard to breathe and I found myself gasping for air at one point. Still, I remained relatively calm and actually started to try to remember a POA.

At this point perhaps because of the surroundings, the thing that came most readily was my desire to someday return to what I called the “Logos” dream, or the “mathematics of Angels”. It was basically a lucid dream I had before about 3 months ago before I really knew how to purposely lucid dream. I had found myself looking upon a dense field of stars, perhaps the core of a galaxy. On the fringes of my vision flowed characters that I did not recognize ( I later did internet searches and realized they were Hebrew characters). The whole scenery was extremely peaceful and felt an abiding sense of peace, and the characters seemed like they full of dense meaning in the way mathematics are and that they were flowing from a benevolent force like Angels or something. I felt fully conscious and did not even think of it as a dream at the time, but rather as a “vision” in the middle of the night.

So somehow as I thought of this, I managed to fully separate into a rush of stars coming at me, not nearly as dense as in the Logos dream, but somewhat like a Star Trek scene as though I were flying at a great speed through space. I seemed to come to rest at some point yet I was seeing amazing things like full spiral galaxies go whizzing by me. At one point I tried to conjure one and had some imagination that the next one that flew by me was indeed a product of my own imagination!

I then realized I had not performed any deepening because there really was nothing I would traditionally use to deepen nearby, nothing to palpate. I tried looking at my hands but I was nothing, I was just consciousness floating in space. I tried harder and imagined rubbing my hands and the faintest phantom outline of hands formed before me, filled in sparsely with a matrix of purple dots to delineate where the surface of my hands could have been.

Next I found myself in front of a gorgeous purple nebula. I marveled at this site for awhile, then continued on. The stars became less dense and I felt a sense of loneliness in the darkness. One star above me seemed much closer than the rest and it shone the brightest upon me, and I felt a sense of peace and gratefulness for this thing we call light. I now desired to return to earth, as it seemed that while there was much beauty to be found here, I missed my home. I did not think specifically of my body, but this led me right back to it.

PROGRESS: 3 separations in one morning (possibly aided by the Galantamine). First successful translocations to a desired destination via the door method and translocation directly from separation (well almost, I went to a galactic scene, but it was not the exact Galactic scene I had intended). First phase as a floating point of consciousness in the universe without a body.

ISSUES: Separation was sluggish and difficult, and still I did not manage to re enter the phase immediately on return to my body.
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Re: Digitalvygr Blog

Post by digitalvygr »

[Gamma Brain Waves - Lucid Dreamers Faster Than Monks?]

So tonight I found this article stating that lucid dreamers have the fastest brain waves ever, which somewhat contradicts the other articles I posted saying the French monk had them. Yet, the article mainly talks about the monks and not the lucid dreamers, so it might be the case that Gamma = "fastest ever" as a generality in this article and maybe for the other articles too. I wish I could find an article that would just give some actual numbers for that French monk, and that an article like this one would say something like "the lucid dreamers hit 52 Hz barely edging out their red robed counterparts who clocked in at a mere 49.5 Hz"...
Regardless, interesting article: ... -recorded/
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Re: Digitalvygr Blog

Post by digitalvygr »

[I Never See My Body...]

I was just reading some experience reports in SOBT and a lot of them are worried about seeing their body and fouling, or having the need to get away from their home because they are too close to the body. I realized I have had many OBEs in my apartment, and despite often looking at my bed, I have never really seen my body there. I think in my first OBE I had poor vision and sort of saw an outline of my body there. But for example, in the recent OBE where I first used telekinesis, I went back in my bedroom and literally saw an alarm clock on the bed where my body should be.

Not really complaining as this probably keeps me from fouling or really even worrying too much about fouling, but I wonder why this might be, and if it could have any meaning?
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