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Re: Luna's Blog

Posted: Tue Aug 09, 2011 10:05 pm
by Luna
Dreamsrock and Summerlander, go watch it again!! The first time I saw it I was like "WTF???" I couldn't understand what was going on.....mind you I was probably about 15. Watched it again the other night and it spun me right out! AWESOME movies.

I got out again this morning!!! YAY!

I had been awake earlier around 4am. I ruined that opportunity though by sitting up and looking at the time.  Went back to sleep and dreamt strange dreams about Kmart and a little boy grabbing my leg....anyway.....woke up and I felt different. I just 'knew' that I could get out.

I tried sitting up got 1/3 of the way out and felt stuck so layed back down and tried rolling out. I rolled to my right and got my head out and then stopped cause I didn't want to roll into my husband...ewww weird!!! So 'tried' sitting up again. I was really straining to get out. Thought to myself "This is ridiculous, just sit up!" and with that, it was so easy!!

I sat up, it was dark but noticed that my room was drastically sloping down to the right but yet I was sitting straight up in my bed. The bed was 'normal' too. It was very disorienting. It looked like a smudged wet painting and felt like the building was tipping over. I also had that problem again with not being able to see. It felt like I had sleep in my eyes this time. I stood up at the end of my bed closed my eyes and said "I want light!!" probably should have worded it better because it didn't brighten the room but I could see properly now there was no more 'sleep' in my eyes. I had clear vision.

In the left hand corner of the room above my head appeared a light. It was very pretty. It was like and orb but it wasn't (hard to explain) It was lots of little blue lights like stars in a ultra modern light fixture. Gorgeous. That description doesn't do it justice AT ALL!
I was mezmerised by this light and when I looked around I was dissapointed to see it was still dark. I came to to conclusion that if I went back to my body, I could re-set the experience. So I climbed back onto the bed and layed down.

I then woke up to find my husband sitting up looking back at me and thought...."mmm that's strange...and CREEPY" lol!
I sat up to look at the time and couldn't see the clock. I squinted. I leant right over then my husband leant across me to try stop me from looking which made me question the situation. He asked me "What the heck are you doing?" I must have looked strange cause I was squinting my eyes and physically trying to see a clock which wasn't there!! "I'm trying to see the time!!!"  False Awakening!!!! :D

I then woke up in my body and immedietly tried rolling to the left it happened instantly. I was on the edge of the bed with a thought in my head about hitting the floor and thinking I was going to wake Joel up with a thud when I hit. I then remembered that I couldn't wake him up cause it was only me there. I let myself fall to the floor. I was lying on my side with my back towards the side of the bed and it was at that point that I realised that I had something covering me that was coming from the bed. I kicked it to see how it responded. I could see through it.

Infront of me was the mirror roller door that runs the length of my wall and I could see through what ever was over me and I was seeing it's reflection in the mirror (Yet I couldn't see me??? The phase is soooooo strange) it was the doona only it wan't the one on our bed, it was the one from the bed in the spare room!!! hahaha I love how odd things are but at the time I was so confused and it was still bloody dark so decided to hop back up onto the bed. I jumped from the lying position (soooooo cool) straight back onto the bed and woke up instantly. Looked at the clock, it was 5:38am!!! :)

Re: Luna's Blog

Posted: Tue Aug 09, 2011 10:34 pm
Very cool Luna!!

Re: Luna's Blog

Posted: Tue Aug 09, 2011 11:03 pm
@ Summerlander
The matrix is a shared dream-world

Re: Luna's Blog

Posted: Wed Aug 10, 2011 7:18 am
by dreamsrock
I just ordered all the Matrix movies on Netflix!!  Can't wait.

You're awesome Luna!  That was cool how u recognized your false awakenings and immediately separated after!

Re: Luna's Blog

Posted: Wed Aug 10, 2011 7:33 am
by Michael Raduga
It's interesting how some people glad to get a phase however they like to leave it by their own wish)

Re: Luna's Blog

Posted: Wed Aug 10, 2011 9:12 am
by Luna
Thanks Dreamsrock and Nova!! I'm having so much fun!!!

I know Michael, but at the time I was so confused! I think I expect too much about what I'm going to see that when I eventually get out, it's nothing like I imagined it would be and it throws me right off instead of going in with an open mind. Plus I know it's a bit silly but I didn't like the fact that it was dark. I probably bought that on myself though cause I put too much energy in worrying about it bring dark in my OOBE's. What else can I do to create a light atmosphere? What do you say when you want it to be light?

Re: Luna's Blog

Posted: Wed Aug 10, 2011 9:24 am
Maybe say daylight now!

or say to yourself "oh look the sun is coming up."

or open an window and expect to see daylight or the sun rising (oh that would be glorious, just imagine that)

Just like you sat up to get out.  Just expect, daylight.

I could be wrong, just some thoughts

Re: Luna's Blog

Posted: Thu Aug 11, 2011 9:39 pm
by Luna
I like all those ideas. Thanks Nova!!  :-*

Re: Luna's Blog

Posted: Fri Aug 12, 2011 9:45 pm
by Summerlander
Well done, Luna!!!  8)
It felt like I had sleep in my eyes this time.
This is so typical, btw!  It happens quite a lot to me!  And yes, the Phase is a weird reality  :D

Re: Luna's Blog

Posted: Fri Aug 19, 2011 10:40 pm
by Luna
I get woken up in the mornings by my 3yr old latley and it blows any attempt that I was going to make. It's kinda good in a way cause I can use it as a break.  :)

I remember a snipet of a dream that I had last night where a woman was talking to me about INTENTION  ;D. I have decided that I am going to do the deffered method and see how that goes. I will also kill 2 birds with one stone as I am scared of attempting in the dark (although I know the boogey man can't get and this will MAKE me face my fear head on and hopefully overcome it.

Something happened last night before I was going to sleep.

I was just falling off into pillow point when I heard myself breathe really deeply....maybe even dare I say it.....snore  :P  When I became alert I could just hear myself breathing softly. Thought mmmm strange. Went back to sleep with the intention of listening to myself happened again. This time my breathing was really loud! If I had kept listening (I was fully concious) would I have had SP??

Re: Luna's Blog

Posted: Sat Aug 20, 2011 6:04 am
by dreamsrock
This time my breathing was really loud! If I had kept listening (I was fully concious) would I have had SP??
I think so!  This only happened to me once and I wondered the same thing.  What would have happened if I tried to separate.  I think anytime you are conscious at the same time listening to your body snore, you're good to go!  Try it and let us know :D

Re: Luna's Blog

Posted: Sat Aug 20, 2011 8:07 am
by wiii
It happened to me as well,as I sat and wait to fall asleep,thinking about the phase,I got to a point of ballance between waking life and phase...
I think Michael reffers to this as a ''Free floating state of mind''....
so accidentally I got to this point,where suddenly i could not feel my physical body,like i was hovering steady in my bed..and i heard myself breathing...and this startled i was totally awake after!
All this happened in just a split the time when i realized how easy i was ..i heard my breath and i was back to fully awake in normal state!
Happened to me about 2,3 times..and last time I was able to be more calm,not to startle I remained about 5 seconds in between theese states,but then i got popped out!


Re: Luna's Blog

Posted: Sun Aug 21, 2011 10:37 pm
by Luna
Try it and let us know :D
Yes, next time I'm def gonna go with it. Thinking about it now....of course I would have experience SP...what else could have happened, I was fully concious and in control of what I was thinking.
so accidentally I got to this point,where suddenly i could not feel my physical body
Yes that is what it felt like. I was still 'in' my body and aware of it but I couldn't feel it if that makes sense.
I remained about 5 seconds in between theese states,but then i got popped out!
  ::) I hate it when things just abruptly stop. 

Re: Luna's Blog

Posted: Mon Aug 22, 2011 7:57 am
by wiii
  ::) I hate it when things just abruptly stop. 

I think we were to aware at that point that we were out or we could not feel our body,and the brain is not used to this kind of situations,
so i think that at a point we consider it strange..or thinking about what would happen.and 'pops' us Michael said in the book..when you feel phase not analyse anything..
And this makes sense why lucidity drops when we are we can stay longer...if we were la walking life aware..we then stop and analyse...and the get fouled..I think this is what practice is..getting used to theese things..cause if we get all the feelings from the phase on full awareness as a newbie it is too much to handle!
It is my opinion...that is why we pop out so we need is practice!
Imagine what it would be if all of us on this forum had the experience
of Michael!
Just imagine what we could do...
The possibillities would be....''Limitless''  ;D


Re: Luna's Blog

Posted: Tue Aug 23, 2011 12:35 am
by Luna
Smart little cookie aren't you Wiii?
all we need is practice
  Thanks for the reminder and the tips!  ;)

Last night I went to bed with the intention of inducing an OBE anytime I woke during the night. I ended up having a FA within a LD (labelling to explain what happened)...well atleast I think that's what happened?! Anyone keen to fill me in on what when down...please do.

I don't remember much of what I was dreaming but the last thing I saw before I woke up was a beautiful woman's face.
I didn't move and I tried to roll out. Nothing happened. I could smell stinky diesel fumes and thought "what the heck?" so I opened my eyes and realised I was under a truck. My son was asleep next to me and I could hear my mother talking over my right hand side. I rolled out form under the truck and walked over to her. She was laying down on the grass and looked like she had just woken up. I was so puzzled. Thought to myself "Why has mum been sleeping on the grass outside?" It was at this point that I lost lucidity. I asked her annoyingly "has this truck been on all night?" "I guess so." she replied. I went and turned the ignition off and went back under the truck to try induce an OBE. (lol weirdest dream!!)

I tried to remember what I was dreaming before I'd woken up. I couldn't think. Then I saw the woman's face again. I became lucid. Mum was chatting away in the background, god knows about what and it was distracting me. I tried to ignore her. The woman's face became more and more real. Thought to myself "Woah, I am inducing an OBE in an actual DREAM!!!!" Mum's voice got louder. I lost lucidity again "Mum can you please be quiet? I'm trying to induce an OBE and your really loud!!" Cohen woke up then and asked me what I was doing. I then woke up for real in my bed, didn't move and tried to roll out again but Joel's alarm to wake up for work went off.

What a TRIP!!!
I seem to be struggeling with the basics. I need to re-read SOBT! I want to progress!

Re: Luna's Blog

Posted: Tue Aug 23, 2011 10:16 am
I became lucid. Mum was chatting away in the background, god knows about what and it was distracting me. I tried to ignore her.
Sorry, I'll try to keep the chatter down in future.  lol
I was just falling off into pillow point when I heard myself breathe really deeply
This happens to me too, often.  We just have to learn to "SERPARATE" at this point.
get it into our heads. If anything strange is happening, "GO FOR IT".

I woke the other morning, it was the strangest feeling, it took ages for it to dissolve.
I actually felt I was the dream.  Not, that I just had one or that I was recalling a dream, but that I was the dream. My analysis is that the projection had carried over into waking life. Like a reverse projection, maybe?? I suppose it is fairly close to actuality, as I am my mind, not my body.


Re: Luna's Blog

Posted: Wed Aug 24, 2011 3:43 am
by Luna
Yes please keep chatting to a minimum lol!!

Yes, you are the dream! Get it? ;)

I was being attacked by a talking T-Rex. (hellooooo??? Why no lucidity????)
Earlier he had called me a 'pussy' He was throwing explosives at me. No matter how far away I ran he always seemed to get the explosives right on top of me. (I watched a doco last night where a plane had bombed a group of ppl with a bomb that had a canister inside of it and when it got to a certain point the canister would open and pieces of hot iron would rip into ppl and kill them but this time the bomb failed.)

 He threw one  up in the air right above me, I looked up and saw the canister open and thought "oh ohh, I'm dead!" but it failed! I ran off towards an aeroplane hanger. Inside i was in shock to see it was full of joel's army trunks. They were carelessly stacked on top of each other as high as sky scrapers one poke of a finger and they would all topple. It was dusk and the dust in the air was being lit up by the orange sun. It was an amazing sight! 

I woke up and didn't move. Thought to myself "now what?" my mind was blank for a split second. I quickly remembered I wanted to try 'imagined movement' as entry into the phase. I imagined swimming breaststroke. Almost instantly I could see hands and arms doing breaststroke. It shocked me! "omg I can see hands!!" they stopped swimming and rotated slowly as I studied them. They were beautiful women's hands. Long beautiful slim fingers with manicured nails. They didn't look 'real' they had a drawing like air about them. As I looked at them  they seemed to fade.  Desperate to not lose the phase I started swimming again. The picture became clearer but not buy much. 

I could see 2 men on the bank that I was swimming towards. They had no shirts on and looked like they were digging holes. Once again my vision faded. I realized I wasn't imagining the movement anymore and then something odd happened. What was left of the picture raised above my line of sight. You know, like those things you sometimes see in your vision when awake but when you look at them they move. I raised my eyes trying to follow it but it disappeared. 

Pooey! If only i had kept swimming. I'm getting a little annoyed with myself. I just seem to be fumbling around making silly mistakes.

Re: Luna's Blog

Posted: Wed Aug 24, 2011 10:28 am
by Michael Raduga
It seems, that you've learned how to open the door, but you take no attention on what to do next. Think about this or you will waste all your experiences.

Re: Luna's Blog

Posted: Wed Aug 24, 2011 10:42 am
by Luna
Thank you Michael. I am studying now and will write it in my journal what I plan to do and will read it before bed tonight.

Re: Luna's Blog

Posted: Wed Aug 31, 2011 11:25 am
by Luna
Had a horrible experience this morning. I'm hoping Michael or Summerlander have some insight.

Joel woke me up by getting out of bed and going to the toilet. I woke up with closed eyes and attempted to roll out. I felt my stomach muscles move so decided to try swimming ie imagined movement. That didn't work either so tried phantom wiggling. I felt my arms moving but not much. I pushed my arms up over my head. "now what"  I remembered about attempting to get out by rolling back over your head but before I could try my husband came back to bed.
 I felt my physical arms, one on my chest and the other my my side. I thought to myself " if I just lye here maybe when he settles I can try again." He touched my arm. He then felt my pulse.  All the while I was thinking "c'mon Joel, I'm not dead!!!" lol! He said my name quite loudly and I could tell he was concerned. I opened my eyes and he told me he was worried cause I wasn't breathing. I know full well I was I was probably just so relaxed it was very light.
It was 4am and I was excited cause I had at least 2-3 hrs left for attempts.

Just as I was drifting off a woman came into my vision and came right up to my face and yelled "RAHH!!"  this has happened quite a few times to me. Its VERY realistic and it wakes me up every time.  I went back to sleep.

I woke up a while later and once again didn't move.  I tried rolling out but couldn't,  so tried phantom wiggling. Nothing. Swimming. Nothing. Did the cycle twice before I heard a voice. It said "levitate" I levitated and found myself up near the ceiling. I was going higher and higher then I heard Joel. "Nina?" came crashing back to bed. "Are you awake" I tried to reply with yes but no noise came out. What's wrong with my voice? Maybe it just needs some time. I sat up in bed. "are you ok?" I tried talking back. Nothing. I started to freak out then noticed I had a floaty sensation. The one I get just as I'm about to exit. Relief set in knowing I was still in phase. It all stopped an I woke up thinking phew!!

I sat up in bed wanting to share what just happened with Joel. I touched him on the chest to wake him and attempted to talk. Nothing came out!! It felt like I had no voice box. The harder I tried to talk the more  distressed I became. I got all caught up in the situation thrashing about trying to wake myself up. I finally woke up to be greeted with the same situation yet again.

I couldn't talk. I kept trying to no avail. After the 4th awakening I woke up and immediately tried talking "Joel!?" oh the relief!! I was finally awake, or so I thought. He sat up and looked at me. "are you ok!?" "yes I think so, I just had the weirdest thing happen to me."  "hey look, there's a diamond on the ceiling!" what?!? I looked up and saw a illuminated diamond on the ceiling and felt the familiar weightlessness "oh great I'm still here!!" then I started to curl up. You know when you touch a caterpillar and it retracts and curls?? Like that but backwards. I had no control of it it was completely involuntary. I woke up AGAIN but this time I couldn't breathe OR talk. I was trying to scream to wake myself up.I had 2 or 3  more FA's i had so many that i cant remember exactly how many. On the last one I started hitting Joel really violently to try wake myself up. It worked but it wasn't a very nice way to end it. I woke up thinking "how could I have thought that it was real?" it felt so different once I was awake but when I was experiencing it I was 100 percent sure it was real.

This was by far the most scared I have ever been. I couldn't breathe, I couldn't talk and I thought I was going to be 'stuck' there forever. 

Has this happened or something similar to anyone else? Is there a way to avoid so many FA's in a row? Silly questions maybe but I really didn't like that experience. It hasn't put me off at all. I just want to know how I could have handled it better? 

Re: Luna's Blog

Posted: Wed Aug 31, 2011 11:52 am
by breadbassed
I've had a similar experience before with many false awakenings, so many in fact you wonder when you'll actually wake up.  The first time it happens it can be quite scary.  I think if it happened to me again i would relish in the fact that i had another phase opportunity. 

As for the not being able to speak problem. I have also had this on one occasion (a friend of mine also has).  I rolled out and fell on the floor and tried to say out a command, i could barely get any sound out, it was like i didn't have enough energy to speak. It's a very strange and quite disconcerting feeling, i can imagine the repetition of this would create some mental discomfort so to speak.  Im not sure of any ways to counter this exactly, perhaps deepening.  There are theories that you have a certain amount of energy in the phase (which can be increased by methods such as meditation during the day), but if this energy is low, it will make things incredibly difficult (like speech).  There are meant to be methods of increasing this so called 'energy' while in the phase but im not certain of what they are.

Re: Luna's Blog

Posted: Wed Aug 31, 2011 12:35 pm
by Michael Raduga
You never tried to think why I ask never to interrupt the phase by own wish and always try to re-entering it after inadvertent returning to the body?

It's not only about duration of the phase. It's about such cases too. Almost all crazy situations happen when you avoid these rules.

Don't worry. All is ok;)

Re: Luna's Blog

Posted: Wed Aug 31, 2011 8:13 pm
by wiii
I saw an old's man experience on youtube,ofcourse he did not knew about the phase or about theese experiences!
He said he tried to go to the bathroom 12 times,until he succeeded :))
He said every time he reached to the door and wanted to open he felt his hand passing thru he was also scared cause he didn't even knew about the phase :D
I wish this could happen to i can take full opportunity of it:D
I think after few FA's if you are still there after 3 FA's so to say,you are pretty deeep in the phase:D  So take the chance...
Is pretty easy to say....facts are the hard part:D
Anyways I one took chance of my first SP,first i startled but then i relaxed and got out:D
So the the same could be done with FA's!


Re: Luna's Blog

Posted: Wed Aug 31, 2011 8:15 pm
by Summerlander
Hi, Luna. Thank you for sharing your experience.  False awakenings, otherwise known as "pre-lucid dreams", are phase experiences too.  I used to have many of these when I was a kid.  All of them were terrifying because I'd realise that the house was slightly different and then these white-skinned men would come through walls and chase me.  Fear can also prolong the phase (there is more on fear in SOBT).

I'm not sure this is the correct term but I think that what you experienced is a continuum false awakening.  I used to have these many times.  I'd fall asleep but then forget that I went to sleep and felt like I was still awake in the same surroundings.  Often, I'd try to get out of it once the white-skinned men came and cause me to falsely wake up again and there they were.

Once, one of the white men grabbed hold of me, and, with his finger, he pressed on my navel and prevented me from screaming for help.  The pressure on my navel appeared to cancel my voice.  Upon awakening, I pressed on my navel and spoke (as a test).  Nothing happened to my voice.

When you experience false awakenings again, just try and remain calm and remember that you are in the phase.  Then, take advantage of the situation and explore and do what you want.  You won't be stuck in the phase forever.

Cool experience!  8)

Re: Luna's Blog

Posted: Wed Aug 31, 2011 9:51 pm
by Luna
Thanks everyone of the replies and reassurance!

breadbassed: I didn't feel as though I had no energy....I just had no voice box. Like it didn't exist. I wasn't making a slight noise....I was making NO noise whatsoever. My movement and everything else was normal. After the whole thing was over, I thought to myself. I wonder if all of that happened because Joel planted a thought in my head about not breathing when I had just been attempting (I was thinking about it before I was falling back asleep) and it was translated in this negative phase?
You never tried to think why I ask never to interrupt the phase by own wish and always try to re-entering it after inadvertent returning to the body?
Ha no, I never questioned it. I just figure you know what your talking about  ;D
I think after few FA's if you are still there after 3 FA's so to say,you are pretty deeep in the phase:D  So take the chance...
Yes!! oh time (seem to be saying that alot  :-\)
He said he tried to go to the bathroom 12 times,until he succeeded
lol! poor dude.
When you experience false awakenings again, just try and remain calm and remember that you are in the phase.  Then, take advantage of the situation and explore and do what you want.
Yes, this is the aim, but when It's happening and you think you've waken up for real (as you know from experience) it's so diffucult and I'm ususally not aware its an FA till after the fact. I suppose that's when a RC comes in hand??

How do you stop yourself from getting caught up in the small details of it?

And as for the white skinned men....poor kid Summerlander!  :o

Re: Luna's Blog

Posted: Wed Aug 31, 2011 10:32 pm
by breadbassed
Yeah that makes a lot of sense, i've found things you are thinking about or reading/watching before bed can affect your dreams, so if it was playing on your mind it could definitely create a negative phase. I find if i feel in any danger in the phase to try and remind myself its all ok, but it can definitely be hard at times, i think, depending on the degree of lucidity.

Perhaps attempting to relocate via thoughts might help bring you to a different mind state, and take your mind off the original discomfort?

Re: Luna's Blog

Posted: Wed Aug 31, 2011 11:22 pm
by Luna
Perhaps attempting to relocate via thoughts might help bring you to a different mind state, and take your mind off the original discomfort?
Great idea! Thank you.

Re: Luna's Blog

Posted: Thu Sep 01, 2011 12:42 pm
by Summerlander
And as for the white skinned men....poor kid Summerlander! 
They were malicious buggers!  ;D

I told my mum about the "dreams that felt real" where "snow-skinned bad men" would come and grab me and giggle at the same time.

As an African, my mum believes in voodoo and her culture embraces spiritualist views, so, her reaction to my recurrent lucid nightmares was that something was wrong with the house and evil spirits were molesting me. 

She burned incense around the house and whispered some prayers.  Oddly enough, the false awakenings became less frequent, shorter in duration and less aggressive before they stopped completely.

Either the phase is the realm of such things or the fact that my mum mentioned to me that the incense would protect me had a positive impact on me psychologically and the beings were nothing but representations of fear.

Either way, I was definitely entering the phase back then.  A couple of times I even floated out of body and just knew that I wasn't awake even though it felt like that.

Re: Luna's Blog

Posted: Thu Sep 01, 2011 7:03 pm
by Michael Raduga
For example, if you read Robert Monroe, you should remember the case with returning to the body of a dying man. What he did before this situation?...

I saw hundreds cases like this with other practitioners

Re: Luna's Blog

Posted: Thu Sep 01, 2011 7:47 pm
by Summerlander
Refresh my memory...was it the one where he woke up in a hospital environment and believed he was in the wrong body (and then an old man standing by kissed his forehead)?

I read Journeys Out of the Body ages ago now.  I came across his name and method in a different book though.  It was called Mind Games by Michael Powell.