Forced falling asleep

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Forced falling asleep

Post by natewa23 »

I have been practicing lucid dreaming for about 2 years and I came across "The Phase, shattering the illusion of reality" about a year ago. I love the book and the indirect method has led to many obes and also has helped increase spontaneous lucid dreams as well. I have about a 50% success rate when I can wake without movement but this part is extremely difficult for me, I can usually ever successfully wake without movement 1-2 times a week. I have seen where Michael has said to use forced falling asleep for several seconds after movement then used the techniques for the indirect method but I do not understand completely how to do this... can someone please explain it to me? Is it an immediate and complete relaxation of body and clearing the mind of thought? Is it a complete relaxation of the body with the intention of falling back to sleep quickly in the mind? I believe I read in the book and on some threads on this forum that we all know how to do it because we have all done it before (I apologize if that is an incorrect statement) but anytime I have ever tried to "force fall asleep" because time was short I end up getting little to no sleep because of trying to force myself into sleep. I apologize if this topic has already been explained on here but I couldn't find a thread on the subject. Thank you.
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Re: Forced falling asleep

Post by aniketos »

In my opinion, it's just the imagine/vision that I'm sleeping, I just imagine (emotionally) that I fell asleep = and say to myself "I'm sleeping now" and of course don't think about anything (or anything except that as if I sleep). But I really don't know, I don't have experience with this .... or maybe it's about the real visual idea that I fell asleep - that I imagine myself lying and that I just fell asleep ...
Probably it's a trick that should deceive our minds - they'll believe I'm asleep when I imagine it. And this could getting you into the phase.

Bt this is also only one of many techniques for the indirect method. So it doesn't affect the fact that you've already move and woken up with open eyes.... as with other methods, it's better to wake without movement (the principle is the same and this method is not meant to help with the problem that you already moved, it's only technique which could help you to get into phase - one of several). This is no different method than the others - it's here only to caused the Phase.
Waking up with movement clearly does not rule out the possibility of getting into a phase (it only reduces success). If you already moved with your body - you can still try to get into the Phase.
Awakening without movement should be facilitated if you focus on it before you aslep (when falling asleep you say to myself that you wake up motionless and with your eyes closed ... it works for me). So 1. you go to sleep 2. then you wake up with an alarm clock - then you do something for a while - it's good to re-read the basic instructions of indirect methods and waking up without movement - and then go to bed again, but with intention = concentrating on: a) indirect techniques/an attempt at OBE / LD, an attempt at separation right after waking up and b) that you wake up without moving ... it is enough if you say it, you imagine it a bit and you fall asleep with the feeling that you wake up like this .. It 's probably important whether it goes to the subconscious or whether we remember it better. So you must before sleep concentrated on two thing: that you want to get into phase thanks methods and that you wake up without movement (and opening eyes).

But I'm not an expert, so it's just my poor knowledge. : D And pardon my english.
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Re: Forced falling asleep

Post by aniketos »

Maybe you know how easy is to fall asleep when you are tired and very sleepy (I think Raduga explained somehow like that)... you don't try to fall asleep you just fall asleep in the moment. It could be the same.
If indirect methods are done right after waking up, it might be easy ... that you ALMOST fall asleep when you imagine you fell asleep, you are then in pseudo-sleeping or something like that ... especially when you're still a sleepy after waking up. But if this method will get you into the phase, it is not certain (it is the same as the others technicques, as I have already written).
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Re: Forced falling asleep

Post by aniketos »

I never tried this technique, maybe I'll try... but I rather: rotation, straining the brain, observing dark/images, phantom wiggling, (or listening).
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Re: Forced falling asleep

Post by Summerlander »

See what techniques work best for you. The indirect method has high levels of success.
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