Rise of the Continents

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Rise of the Continents

Post by Summerlander »

I can't stop pondering over cosmic creations and transformations. How dumbfounding is it that a rock forms in space whose tempestuousness generates pressures powerful enough to cause instances of complex carboniferous structures? Eventually, primordial soups in agitation stumble upon the crucial molecular replication for life--you know how it goes ... From minerals, to bacteria and, eventually, self-aware animate organisms philosophising about what is.

I watched 'Rise of the Continents'--presented by the magna cum laude explorer Iain Stewart--and experienced a profound sense of wonderment about the Earth as an object full of interesting events floating in space. The documentary summons geology and plate tectonics for explanatory power. I was gobsmacked at the magnitude of the event that carved Africa out of the heart of the ancient supercontinent known as Pangaea.

Evidence for such geological occurrence can be found in African cratons and the pre-Triassic rocks found in the depths of landmarks such as Victoria Falls in the Zambesi River. A simulation was shown of how a young Earth's oblong sizzling core released massive amounts of energy which tore up an impressive Pangaean surface by today's standards--the supercontinent boasted a desert five times the size of the Sahara and a snowy mountainous landmass much wider than the Himalayas!

All this inspires me to enter the phase and experience exotic forms and events ...
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